Most of you who have already read our blog posts, already signed up as a Ranter or just follow us on Twitter know how passionate we are about Social Media and Sports.
So I figured to shout out people who fill my time line with great sports related thoughts, links, material, etc. And not just SPORTS personalities, I’m talking about the die-hard fans that actually offer great sports chatter on their Timeline.
You’re going to read two lists. The first is the Ranterz who just stay pretty active on and well….you should follow them!
The second list is just a general shout out. Follow these people too!!! And not just on Follow Friday (#FF), these people deserve to be followed! And to the people mentioned on this list…get over to!!! We love your Tweets and would love your Rantz on the site!! You can even tie your Twitter to your SportsRantz so you can Rant & Tweet simultaneously…Seriously, and all us Ranterz would love you to be a part of Sports Nation – Click here to join in and Create a Ranter Profile
People You Need to Follow
Anthony DiMoro – Why would I not shout myself out? Seriously!! If you like Yankees, Suns, Miami Dolphins, WWE and fitness tweets I sprinkle it all into a huge Twitter collage!
Follow Anthony DiMoro Here Blog
Deanna Ferris – My partner in crime on She tweets about all sports topics and has a unique female insight. Not to mention from time to time she will post her articles on a plethora of sports topics. Always a good read
Follow Deanna Ferris here Blog
Kristina Chambers –’s NHL & NASCAR Ranter. Kristina truly has one of the best blogs not only on but the entire net! Follow her and keep up on your hockey and NASCAR. Check out her blog too!
Follow Kristina Chambers here
Kristina’s blog on
Michael Torres – Michael has a great blog about football on SportsRantz. Great insight and tremendous points of views. He has really in-depth football articles that make it a hard blog to ignore.
Follow Michael Torres on Twitter
Torres Sports blog on
Carrie – She loves WWE, Duke and will be participating in’s “Dukes of the Roundtable” blog next season with a few of our other Lady-Duke Fanatics. Rant with her on sportsrants!!
Follow Carrie on Twitter
Whitney Grace – Has some tremendous posts on Twitter with the WWE. I think she may have even been at Wrestlemania this year!! Follow her and tell her to get her ass to SportsRantz !
Follow Whitney Grace on Twitter
Duane Frank – Huge MMA and Notre Dame fan but has a timeline full of various sports links. Saw today he posted some good NCAA information. Duane buddy, come join us on SportsRantz and share that weath of knowledge!
Follow Duane Frank on Twitter
Vivian – Simply stated; if you love hockey you NEED to follow Vivian. Her timeline will keep you FULL of hockey information and up to date news. She truly is a tremendous follow for all hockey fans. Share it with SportsRantz Vivian!!
Follow Vivian on Twitter
Susan Shan – She has tons of interviews on her website and keeps her timeline stacked with spots insight and breaking news. Very active in the industry and she takes the time to interact with her followers! If only she were on SportsRantz right? 😉 wink wink
Follow Susan Shan on Twitter
Rosemari Famiglietti – A few people I truly keep an eye on when it comes to my Yankees is Rosemari! During a Yankee game there are few that rival the tweets of Rosemari! She needs to bring that Yankee love over the! Just Saying!!
Follow Rosemari Famiglietti on Twitter
Danny – Just like Rosemari, Danny tweets nonstop about the Yankees! Especially during the games. Almost pitch by pitch. He also takes the time to interact and has a Yankee Blog on
Follow Danny on Twitter
Danny’s Blog on SportsRantz
Hallie – A New England Patriots fan who knows her stuff. Check her timeline for NFL-related tweets! Bring it on to SportsRantz Hallie!! This Dolphin fan in particular would love to rant with you!
Follow Hallie on Twitter
Jay Davoren – HUGE Chicago Bulls and NBA fan. His timeline is entertaining, interesting and has some great sports tidbits packed in it! He also is on, add him as a friend!
Follow Jay Favoren on Twitter
Deuce Van Deuce – Great timeline for hockey fans. Plus he has been saying he is coming onto blog on SportsRantz about the NHL. Let’s see what you got!
Follow Deuce Van Deuce on Twitter
Emilia Sophia – Emilia shows some love and that’s why we are shouting her out! She has a fun timeline and you may find a article in her Daily Newspaper! Plus she is an SEO and I gotta shout a fellow SEO out! Thanks for spreading the word about our site Emilia! Hope we see you on soon!!
Follow Emilia Sophia on Twitter
Now go follow these people and DO NOT forget to follow as well
(Click Here)
We will be revisiting this post in the VERY near future!!! Now come Rant with us!!!